
Welcome to the NCGR/INBRE single cell RNA-seq analysis workshop. We will familiarize you with commonly useful R commands, the SingleCellExperiment and Seurat R packages, the Loupe Browser desktop application, and an example of a ShinyCell web application. These tools will give you basic experience in performing statistical analyses and data visualization for a variety of bioinformatic approaches to single cell sequencing.


The structure of our workshop owes a great deal to other courses and resources available online.

Our single-cell nucleus RNA-seq dataset is a subset (sample #5) of the data from Farmer et al., Single-nucleus RNA and ATAC sequencing reveals the impact of chromatin accessibility on gene expression in Arabidopsis roots at the single-cell level, Molecular Plant 14:3, 372-383 (2021).

This workshop was developed with funding from the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) & National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Grant # P20GM103451.

0.1 Installs

Make sure the following software is installed on your local computer before the workshop. Please contact Ethan Price at inbre@ncgr.org if you have questions.

Computer requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10 or later
Mac Sierra or later
(No Chromebooks)

  1. Zoom

Install the correct version for your OS. Don’t plan to use the web version, as this does not have enough features.

  1. MobaXterm (Windows Users Only. Mac or Linux users will use their native terminal)
  • Download the “Home” “Installer” edition. Be careful not to install the portable or professional editions.

  • Before installing, extract the installer zip folder to any location on your computer.

  • Now run the installer and follow the prompts.

  1. Filezilla

  2. R (Latest Version for your OS)

  3. RStudio

  4. Integrated Genomics Viewer (IGV)

  5. Download and install the Loupe Browser

0.2 Agenda

Zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82648563997?pwd%3DIKyrhYqkEBRwzGUAImt7DqP1XgLzld.1&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1698686353551709&usg=AOvVaw0Vd9ByfGxQ5IYkNqqNiSa5

ID: 82648563997

Passcode: 054689

Sessions are from 9-12 and 1-4 mountain time (M-F). Please let us know ( or during the workshop) if you have to miss part of a day.

Zoom recordings: Please do not share these (see the Wrap Up chapter for more information).




Linux (Adam)


Linux (cont) (Adam)



Linux Review (Adam)

Module 1: Biological context: (Adam)


Module 2: R basics (Joann)



Bioconductor & SingleCellExperiment (Sven)

Quality Control (Sven)


Quality Control (continued) (Sven)

Dimensionality Reduction (Sven)



Seurat (Sven)


Seurat (continued) (Sven)

Integration (Sven)

Loupe Browser setup (Sven)



Practice on other datasets (Sven)


Loupe Browser (Sven)

ShinyCell (Sven)

Catch-up and questions (Sven and Adam)

Surveys and Wrap-up (Adam)

Green text indicates hands-on sessions. Please note that the timing might shift slightly.

0.3 Connecting to the linux server

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Type the following on your command line, substituting in your username for .

ssh -p2309 <username>@inbre.ncgr.org
  1. Enter your password.

If you have trouble connecting, please contact Ethan Price at inbre@ncgr.org.